Saturday, February 19, 2011

Corruption: its sources and remedies. An idea

Corruption:In India and else where all over the world ,the number of complaints against the state machinery and its lack of transparency procedures, lack of accountability, abuse of public state and corporate power are increasing. Lack of transparency and accountability combined with ineffective remedial systems against the complaints leads to aggregated arbitrary and discriminatory exercise of state and public power in all walks of public life.  It is productive of corruption in all walks of public life affecting free development of country specific and more so in an environment of globalization of economies with divided national sovereign powers.

Sources:  it is the combination more than one basic power in natural person holding the state or public office. Secondly it is lack checks and balances to maintain the separation of powers and   lack of effective independent judicial review power at all levels of public life to safe guard the constitutional rule of law.

Trend:Increasing productive powers of people, industrialization and commercialization, globalization of trade and commerce, generates increase of market power including corporate houses’ power, market regulatory powers of state as well as sale of rights, privileges and other state largesse. We see this trend all over the world.

Public demands:This brings in to focus the public demands democratization of such powers, for rule of law, transparency and accountability procedures in exercise of public and state power. It is continuous process.

New awakening:The electronic media, now social networking media through internet led World Wide Web and cyber world connections has empowered the public with power to know the secrets and abuse of state and corporate powers by natural persons at the board rooms, the wilkileaks breaking the secret codes is new awakening and power of people to resist such abuse of public power.

Focal points of resistence:Corruption, Secrecy and illegality and abuse by some people at one end and the resistance against the corruption, demand for transparency and accountability, confiscation of ill-gotten and illegal money and properties at other end are the focal points of public agitations all over the world. by S Lakshma Reddy, Advocate, Andhra Pradesh High Court, India. Follow him at

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